. . . . "Organized in an alphabetical order by last name: Reel 1: A-B; Reel 2: B-D: Reel 3: D-F; Reel 4: D-F; Reel 5: F-G; Reel 6: G; Reel 7: G-H; Reel 8: H-K; Reel 9: K; Reel 10: K; Reel 11: K-L; Reel 12: L-M; Reel 13: M-O; Reel 14: O-P; Reel 15: P-R; Reel 16: R-S; Reel 17: S; Reel 18: S; Reel 19: T-W; Reel 20: W; Reel 21: W-Z; Reel 22: Z"@eng . "Contains 14,147 personal files of prisoners in the Radom prison imprisoned during 1939-1944. Files contain the following information: the prisioner's name, and the father name, the mother maiden name, the date and place of birth, the last domicile, the date and reason of imprisonment, prisoner’s fate. Some files include annexes in a form of reports, correspondence, court's sentences and prisoner's smuggled correspondence. Majority of prisoners were Poles (80%), others were Jews (15%), German, Roma, Russians and some others (5%)."@eng . . "Prison in Radom\n\nGefängnis in Radom\n\nWiezienie w Radomiu (Sygn. 417)"@eng . "25,315 digital images, JPEG\n\n22 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm"@eng . "Prison in Radom\n\nGefängnis in Radom\n\nWiezienie w Radomiu (Sygn. 417)"@eng . .