. "Contains records relating to Jewish matters: the ban on performing one's profession; defilement of the race (Rassenschande); appreciation taxes for Jewish people; proof of Aryan ancestry; Jewish students, doctors and pharmacists; cancellation of driving licenses for Jewish people; and annulment of citizenship. Includes also information about Roma camps, organization of Gestapo, and small commercial matters like shops."@eng . . . "17 microfilm reels, 16 mm"@eng . . "Arrangement is thematic."@eng . "District Committee, District Administrative Tribunal of Berlin\n\nBezirksausschuss, Bezirksverwaltungsgericht Berlin (Pr. Br. Rep. 031-01, -02)"@eng . . "District Committee, District Administrative Tribunal of Berlin\n\nBezirksausschuss, Bezirksverwaltungsgericht Berlin (Pr. Br. Rep. 031-01, -02)"@eng .