Linen poster with the song and lyrics to Schnitzelbank an entity of type: Record

Linen poster with the song and lyrics to Schnitzelbank 
Linen poster with the song and lyrics to Schnitzelbank 
overall: Height: 40.000 inches (101.6 cm) | Width: 29.000 inches (73.66 cm) 
Large Schnitzelbank linen poster for the popular German call and response song. It is printed with the music and lyrics for the song"Schnitzelban" and features 12 sets of cartoon images with captions for the rhyming sets used to vary the short verses. This version includes a stereotypical caricature of a Jewish man with the name"Judenmeie" paired with"Grose Eie" (Large Eggs), and 11 other rhyming pairs with drawings. The Schnitzelbank is a popular German drinking song often sung at carnivals, Octoberfests, and other festivals. A poster with cartoons and captions for the rhyming sets is displayed on the stage. The song leader then points to a picture and asks"ist das nicht ein Schnitzelbank" The crowd responds with the refrain"Ja, das ist ein Schnitzelbank" and so on. The full lyrics were often printed on the side. There are many different versions of the poster using different images and rhyming sets. Beer distributors often produced versions with their name in the top heading. 

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