"The Dziunia Eichenholz Goop collection is arranged in a single series."@eng . . "Includes a photo album with photographs of the Eichenholz family and their friends before the war in Krakow, on holiday along the Vistula River, on the Baltic coast, in Gdynia, and in Zakopane, and the children performing at the Moniuszko Conservatory; photographs of the Eichenholz and Goldstein families living in the Krakow ghetto; and images taken in Julius Madritsch’s Clothing Workshop in Krakow before it was moved to Płaszów concentration camp."@eng . "oversize box\n\n1"@eng . "Dziunia Eichenholz Goop collection"@eng . . . "Dziunia Eichenholz Goop collection"@eng . .