"Günther Rabau and Hildegard Frenkel collection"@eng . . . . "folder\n\n1"@eng . "Consists of a marriage contract, dated 19 February 1946 in Shanghai, China, between Günther Rabau and Hildegard Frenkel; a certificate of divorce, dated 22 January 1946, issued by the Jüdische Gemeinde, Shanghai; documents relating to the adoption of Benjamin Rene Frenkel; one Deutsche Reisepass, dated 23 February 1939, for Günther Rabau; an identity card, dated 29 March 1934, for Günther Rabau; four photographs; and three miscellaneous documents, including a certificate of immigration."@eng . . "Günther Rabau and Hildegard Frenkel collection"@eng . . . .