. "Contains a report entitled\"Ausgrenzung, Vertreibung, Bernichtung: Juden in Schwerin, 1933-194\" \"Exclusion, Dispersal, Extermination: Jews in Schwerin, 1933-194\") by Bernd Kasten, with translations by Rolf Meyersohn. Provides information regarding the community of Schwerin with descriptions of the businesses, entrepreneurs, and factory directors; relations with Berlin and the Nazi party; Kristallnacht and its aftermath; the role of the town's physicians; boycotting of the craftsmen and workers; emigration and hiding of school-aged children; fates of the elderly; Mischlinge; relations with non-Jews in the town (bystanders); and conclusion and name list of those Jews who did and did not survive."@eng . "folder\n\n1"@eng . . "Exclusion, Dispersal, Extermination: Jews in Schwerin, 1933-1945\n\nAusgrenzung, Vertreibung, Bernichtung: Juden in Schwerin, 1933-1945"@eng . . . "Exclusion, Dispersal, Extermination: Jews in Schwerin, 1933-1945\n\nAusgrenzung, Vertreibung, Bernichtung: Juden in Schwerin, 1933-1945"@eng . .