. "Contains letters sent by Mark Aguf to his relatives as well as letters received by Mark Aguf from his wife and close relatives who were evacuated from Kyiv to Central Asia. Correspondence relates to problems with the apartment in Kyiv, everyday life of evacuees, their re-evacuation to Kyiv, and the Mark's active service in the Soviet (Red) Army of 1917-1921. The collection also contains poems written by Mark Aguf during and after the war, and memoirs of Mark's father, Mikhail Aguf\"V gornile revolucii: Vospomynanyi\" (In the hearth of Revolution: Memoirs) completed circa 1966 in Kyiv. Mikhail Aguf writes about his childhood in the beginning of the 20th century; revolutionary activities and imprisonment in 1909-1917 in Kharbin, Irkutsk, Yakutsk. Memoirs also contain information about events of the civil war in Ukraine of 1917-1921."@eng . . "Personal papers of Mark Aguf"@eng . . "Personal papers of Mark Aguf"@eng . . "folders\n\n12\n\n6 microfiche,"@eng . . "Organized in the following order: Rg-31.035*01 (Folder 1 - Folder 10); Rg-31.035*02 (Folder 11); Rg-31.035*03 (Folder 12)"@eng . .