. . "21 microfilm reels, 35 mm"@eng . . . "Selected records from collections of the Mureş branch of the Romanian National Archives"@eng . "Selected records from collections of the Mureş branch of the Romanian National Archives"@eng . . . "The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilmed. Arranged in the following series: 1. Legiunea de jandarmi a judeţului Mureş, 1945-1949. nr. inv. 57 (Reel 1-7); 2. Avocatura Statului Târnava Mare, 1922-1944. nr. inv. 309 75 u.a.; aranjate de la 1 la 75. (Reel 7); 3. Legiunea de jandarmi Târnava Mare, 1933-1949. nr. inv. 330 (Reel 8-9); 4. Prefectura Judeţului Mureş. Prefect, 1942-1944. nr. inv. 459 (Reel 9-17); 5. Comisariatul de Poliţie Reghin, 1944-1949.nr. inv. 884 (Reel 17-19); 6. Prefectura judeţului Târnava Mare, 1921-1944. Inv. nr. 415 (Reel 20-21)."@eng . . "Includes records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. Contains orders to arrest war criminals, investigations into alleged war criminals, surveillance of nomadic Romanies, reports on deportation of Jews to Auschwitz, military taxes owed by Jews, surveillance of the Iron Guards, confiscation of Jewish property, treatment of arrested British and American POWs, and correspondence concerning the\"Jewish problem\" The collection contains selected records from the Legion of Gendarmes of Mures̜, the Mayoralty of Tirgu-Mures̜, the Prefecture of Mures district, the Prefecture of Târnava Mare, the Commissariat of Police in Reghin district, and from various other Gendarmerie headquarters. It also includes selected postwar records of the Jewish Democratic Committees of Tárnaveni in the districts of Tárnava Mică and Mureş, and containing one file concerns orders and regulations about expropriation from Jews and Bulgarians in 1941."@eng .