. "Contains 2844 registration cards of Jews in Biała Podlaska from 1930 until 1942, and from 1945-1946, indicating date of departure, death, or deportation to Mie̜dzyrzecz Podlaski on 26 September 1942. Each card contains the following personal data: name and surname, occupation, address, name of father and mother, date and place of birth, confession, identity card number, information about the children."@eng . . "25 digital files, PDF\n\n5 microfilm reels, 35 mm\n\n1 DVD-ROM, 4 3/4 in."@eng . . . . "Registration Office in Biała Podlaska. Registration cards of Jews.\n\nBiuro Meldunkowe w Białej Podlaskiej. Karty meldunkowe ludności żydowskiej. (Sygn. 244)"@eng . . "The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilmed reels. Arranged alphabetically by last names: Reel 1: Abramowicz Dawid-Fogiel Hersz; Reel 2: Figiel Rywka-Kac Estera; Reel 3: Kac Chana-Orleanski Abram Jankiel; Reel 4: Orleanski Hersz-Telbaum Pinchas; Reel 5: Tinkielkrajt Zelman-NN"@eng . "Registration Office in Biała Podlaska. Registration cards of Jews.\n\nBiuro Meldunkowe w Białej Podlaskiej. Karty meldunkowe ludności żydowskiej. (Sygn. 244)"@eng .