"The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Prejzerowicz, originally of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Included is a postcard sent from Niche Prejzerowicz in Częstochowa, Poland, in 1940 to her brother, Josek Prejzerowicz, in Milan, Italy; photographic postcards depicting Berisch, Rachel, Niche, and Sara Prejzerowicz, and other relatives who perished during the Holocaust; and a family book \"Deutsches Einheits Familien Stammbuc\") issued to Josek and Erna Prejzerowicz in Frankfurt am Main, Germany."@eng . . . "Prejzerowicz family papers"@eng . "Prejzerowicz family papers"@eng . . . "The collection is arranged as a single series."@eng . . "folder\n\n1"@eng . .