. "Organized in the following order by defendant name : RG-74.001*001-RG-74.001*49 Arrangement is thematic"@eng . "Selected records from the war trial cases of the Nazi collaborators tried in the Kazakh SSR"@eng . . "Selected records from the war trial cases of the Nazi collaborators tried in the Kazakh SSR"@eng . . "Contains material from trials conducted in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) from 1943 to 1950. The material includes documents from pretrial investigations by the\"SMERS\" \"Death to Spie\"-Soviet military counter-intelligence units)) and Kazakh NKVD (MGB and KGB), as well as protocols of interrogations, indictments, verdicts and sentences. For each trial, the principal defendant, the geographic area where the defendant committed his/her crimes, the rank/occupation, and the year of trial are listed."@eng . . "1,500 pages of photocopies,\n\n23 microfiche,"@eng . .