"Papers of Georgiy Dimitrov (Fond 146)"@eng . "Organized in the following order: Fond 146, Opis 5; Reel 1: Opis 1, File 4-22; Reel 2: Opis 3, File 32-59, 72, 74, 75; Opis 1, File 129 p. 90; Reel 3: Opis3, File 129 p.1-680; Reel 4: Opis 1, File 129 p. 90 -133 p. 100; Reel 5: Opis 1, File 133 p. 100-136. Arrangement is thematic."@eng . . . "Papers of Georgiy Dimitrov (Fond 146)"@eng . . . "5 microfilm reels, 35 mm"@eng . . . "Contains notebooks from jail regarding\"Mein Kamp\" and studies of history and foreign languages. Also includes a part of Georgiy Dimitrov's diary, personal documents, letters, correspondence, and other records related to involvement with activities of the Communist Party."@eng . . .