Army broadcast regarding the liberation of Dachau an entity of type: Record

Army broadcast regarding the liberation of Dachau 
Army broadcast regarding the liberation of Dachau 
1945 May 
Narrator introduces himself as Jack Parker, with the Seventh Army in Germany and describes the “Dachau death camp” which he had entered the previous Monday, April 30th. Parker is a correspondent for some American radio network but does not name which one. Parker and his colleagues had been in Munich, where there was still fighting, and was on his way back to their “press camp” when they got word that Dachau had been liberated. He describes in some detail as he and four other correspondents approached and then entered the camp: the death train (Parker describes it as well as the journey from Buchenwald to Dachau); bodies of SS men killed by prisoners; thousands of emaciated and ill-dressed survivors, who reached out to make physical contact with the Americans; barracks, “target ranges,” crematoria, sign for showers and gas chamber with piles of bodies still inside, and the “furnace room” where bodies were incinerated. This broadcast does not appear to be part of the Armed Forces radio. 

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