Labor Ministry and Social Services selected records (Fond 490) an entity of type: Record

Labor Ministry and Social Services selected records (Fond 490) 
Labor Ministry and Social Services selected records (Fond 490) 
108 microfilm reels, 35 mm 
Contains agreements between the Bulgarian Government and Soviet military representatives regarding passports for Jews and Turks; assistance for Jews after World War II; correspondence with the National Committee of Liberation regarding homelessness and destitution, persecution of Bulgarians by Nazis, and immediate relief after liberation; correspondence with the Central Jewish Consistory regarding assistance with coal; appeals from Jewish organizations for restitution of property and money confiscated under the Defense of the Nation Act; appeals (arranged by geographical place) from political prisoners, former inmates of concentration camps, and helpers of partisans, 1946-1947; registration cards (arranged by region) of people who suffered during the war and fascism; and Relief Society documents. 
Organized by folder: Fond 49, Opis 1; Folder 352; 378; 385; 402; 3320; 3369-3387; 3758-3387; 3758-3806; 3323-3806 

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