"Confiscated property\n\nEntzogene Vermögenschaften"@eng . . "Arrangement is thematic. Yad Vashem numbers: JM/14403-14404. Reel 1, Files on the following movie houses: Weltspiegel, Skala, Apollo, Opern, Tabor, Schweden, and Ostmaerkische Filmtheater Betriebsgesellschaft; Personal files on property expropriated from individuals; Reel 2, Personal files on property expropriated from individuals continued"@eng . . . "Contains records of Jewish-owned movie theaters in the vicinity of Vienna, Austria, expropriated by the Österreichische Filmvertriebsgesellschaft, later called the Österreichische Filmvertriebsgeschaft; restitution files after World War II; and 178 files of individuals whose personal property was expropriated, including inventories of items, objects, and insurance polices."@eng . . . "Confiscated property\n\nEntzogene Vermögenschaften"@eng . "2 microfilm reels, 16 mm"@eng .