"74,951 digital images, JPEG\n\n15 microfilm reels (digitized), 16 mm"@eng . . "Organized in thematic and alphabetical order. Group: 6 Mi 1 to 6 Mi 7; and Group: 6 Mi 9 to 6 Mi 13"@eng . . "Selected records of Archives départementales de l'Aude"@eng . . . "Contains alphabetical name lists of various categories of French Jewish, foreign Jewish, and non-Jewish refugees including political refugees and Spanish, German, and Austrian refugees; administrative and other documents concerning the internment camps Bram, Couiza, and Rivel; the prison at Limoux, France; Vichy government and instructions and regulations regarding refugees in labor groups and refugees in internment camps; documents and reports of the local Sûreté; documents regarding\"secret organizations\" the resistance, and communists; registers of persons killed by the Germans; and records of German atrocities. Also contains records relating to internment, including card files on French and foreigners interned; political prisoners in North Africa; investigations of foreigners; and police investigations on collaborators, the milice, the Légion de Volontaires Français and the Waffen SS, 1944-45 from the Departmental Committee for the Liberation of Aude."@eng . . "Selected records of Archives départementales de l'Aude"@eng .