Selected records of Archives départementales de l'Aude an entity of type: Record
Selected records of Archives départementales de l'Aude
Selected records of Archives départementales de l'Aude
74,951 digital images, JPEG
15 microfilm reels (digitized), 16 mm
Contains alphabetical name lists of various categories of French Jewish, foreign Jewish, and non-Jewish refugees including political refugees and Spanish, German, and Austrian refugees; administrative and other documents concerning the internment camps Bram, Couiza, and Rivel; the prison at Limoux, France; Vichy government and instructions and regulations regarding refugees in labor groups and refugees in internment camps; documents and reports of the local Sûreté; documents regarding"secret organizations" the resistance, and communists; registers of persons killed by the Germans; and records of German atrocities. Also contains records relating to internment, including card files on French and foreigners interned; political prisoners in North Africa; investigations of foreigners; and police investigations on collaborators, the milice, the Légion de Volontaires Français and the Waffen SS, 1944-45 from the Departmental Committee for the Liberation of Aude.
Organized in thematic and alphabetical order. Group: 6 Mi 1 to 6 Mi 7; and Group: 6 Mi 9 to 6 Mi 13