"The collection consists of three black and white photographs of Esther Fish and her extended family family from Novogrudok, Russia (Navahrudak, Belarus). Photograph descriptions: 1. Copy print; black and white image of two men and one woman sitting, three women and one man standing behind them, and three children seated on the ground in front of them; verso: blue and black ink inscription: “Lilla’s mother, Malka/Lilla’s Uncle, Jankel Chiz/Lilla’s parents, Esther and Aronchik/Her sister, Slata and her husband. I didn’t/remember her other sisters name./The three children are Ester/and Aronchiks Schwartzis younger children//about 1930s”; dated circa 1930s; in English 2. Copy print; black and white image of man and woman seated, two women and one man standing behind them, and small child seated in front; verso: blue and black ink inscription: “Lilla’s parents Malka/and Ohra Chiz/Lilla’s Uncle, Yankel Chiz and/her sister Sarah and Slata. I/don’t remember the name of the/youngest sister I think it was Chaele/about 1925 or 26; dated circa 1925-1926; in English 3. Photographic print; black and white image of two women walking bicycles down a tree-lined road; verso: blue and black ink inscription: “Sarah and Slata/Cousins from/Novogrudok/killed in Holocaust/in the late 1930s”; dated circa 1930s; Novogrudok, Russia; in English"@eng . . . "Esther Fish collection"@eng . "folder\n\n1"@eng . "Esther Fish collection"@eng . "circa 1925-circa 1935" . . . . .