Moshenberg family collection an entity of type: Record
Moshenberg family collection
Moshenberg family collection
Consists of the memoir of Elka Moshenberg, who spent much of her life in Israel and wrote her memoir to memorialize her family members who perished during the Holocaust. She lists those who were killed by the Nazis, and laments that she did not insist that they join her in Israel. Also includes a videocassette and CD-ROM documenting a trip to Turka in 2003, visiting many of the places mentioned in the memoir, as well as four videocassettes depicting a 2000 trip with the donor's cousin, Aba Moshenberg. The family videotaped Mr. Moshenberg's visits to the Gross-Rosen, Gradice, Faulbrick, and Sportschule concentration camps, where he spent the war, as well as visits to the Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camps. Mr. Moshenberg describes his wartime experiences and gives his testimony.