. . . "23 digital files, PDF\n\n2 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm\n\n1 DVD-ROM, 4 3/4 in."@eng . "The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilmed reels. Arrangement is alphabetical and chronological."@eng . "Board of Jewish Population Delegation in Będzin\n\nCentralna Rada Starszych Gmin Żydowskich w Będzinie (Sygn. 212)"@eng . . "Contains instructions issued by Chaim Israel Merin, “chairman of the board” of the Judenrat in Będzin (Zarząd Przedstawicielstwa Ludności Żydowskiej w Będzinie); lists of the names and addresses of Jews in Będzin; reports of Jewish police activity; identification cards and photographs of some Jews from Będzin; a list of Jews deported during liquidation actions in the Będzin area; a list of Jewish intellectuals killed by the Nazis; notices to German firms in Będzin concerning the employment of Jews; an alphabetical population list of Jews in Będzin from 1942 to 1943; a list of Jews sent to the camp in Sosnowiec; and documents relating to the plunder and confiscation of Jewish property."@eng . . "Board of Jewish Population Delegation in Będzin\n\nCentralna Rada Starszych Gmin Żydowskich w Będzinie (Sygn. 212)"@eng . . . .