Case files of the Geheime Staatspolizei, Polizeistelle in Zichenau (Ciechanów) (Sygn. 148) an entity of type: Record

Case files of the Geheime Staatspolizei, Polizeistelle in Zichenau (Ciechanów) (Sygn. 148) 
Case files of the Geheime Staatspolizei, Polizeistelle in Zichenau (Ciechanów) (Sygn. 148) 
69 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm digital files, 
Contains dossiers of cases of Poles, Jews, Germans, Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans), and other nationals who were either arrested or under surveillance for 1) membership in resistance movements (Organization of Armed Struggle, Home Army, Polish Fighting Resistance, Secret Insurgents' Army, The Peoples' Army and Guard, Polish Workers' Party, Peasants' Battalions, National Military Organization, National Military Forces, and others); 2) for escape from forced labor; 3) unlawful crossing of General Gouvernement or German borders; 4) illegal animal slaughter; and 5) failure to deliver food consignments. The cases also contain information about surveillance of escaped prisoners of war, including Russians; Jewish extermination; and actions against Polish white-collar workers and professional men. The arrested were condemned to death, sentence to long terms in concentration camps, terms in Erziehungslager (reeducation camps), terms in prisons, or fines. 
The case files are arranged alphabetically. There are three distinct alphabetical sections to the collection and a two numbering sequences. Researchers should consult the finding aid for a complete list of names and file numbers Records are arranged in the original order of their acquisition from the source archive. The museum has acquired only selected records from Institute of National Remembrance (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej-Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, or IPN). More information about this collection and other materials in the possession of the Institute of National Remembrance, including archival finding aids from the Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance, is available at the website: 

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