. . . "Arrangement of files is thematic. Records are arranged in the original order of their acquisition from the source archive. The museum has acquired only selected records from Institute of National Remembrance (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej-Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, or IPN). More information about this collection and other materials in the possession of the Institute of National Remembrance, including archival finding aids from the Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance, is available at the website: https://ipn.gov.pl"@eng . . . . "Contains circular letters, reports, and various other documents relating to the activities of the offices of the Landrat (district magistrate) des Kreises Schrimm (Śrem, Poland); employees of the Landrat office; the Gestapo office in Poznan; apprehension of prisoners of war; activities of the rural police in western Poland; extradition of Polish prisoners of war interned in Hungary and recruited into the Polish army in France; the transport of Franz Sobkowiak to Mauthausen; transports of prisoners to concentration camps; and a propaganda campaign by the\"Army Information Garriso\" to attract youth to the military."@eng . "Records of der Landrat des Kreises Schrimm (Sygn.65)"@eng . "1 microfilm reel, 35 mm"@eng . "Records of der Landrat des Kreises Schrimm (Sygn.65)"@eng . .