General directorate of Passports Office records Directiunea generala a politie Paspoarte an entity of type: Record

General directorate of Passports Office records Directiunea generala a politie Paspoarte 
General directorate of Passports Office records Directiunea generala a politie Paspoarte 
6,073 digital images, JPEG 7 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm 
Contains records from the office of the General Directorate of Passports (Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor, Directia Generala de Pasapoarte) related to Jewish emigration to Palestine from Romania. Includes a name list of Romanian Jews who traveled to Palestine on the ships"Kasbek,"Mefkur""Morina""Selahadin""Toros" and"Bulbul" 
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