. "box\n\nfolders\n\n1\n\n10\n\n17 microfiche,"@eng . . . "The collection is organized into following series: 1. Molotov Secretariat (Fond 06): Rg-22.009*01*01-15; 2. Vishinski Secretariat (Fond 07): Rg-22.009*02*01; 3. Lozovkiy Secretariat. Soviet Information Bureau (Fond 013): Rg-22.009*03*01-04; 4. Soviet Consulate in Kaunsas (Fond 050): Rg-22.009*04*01-02; 5. Second Western Department (Fond 082): Rg-22.009*05*01"@eng . . "Contains photocopies of correspondence, reports, declarations, telegrams, and various other documents from the Molotov Secretariat (Fond 06), the Wyszyński Secretariat (Fond 07), the Lozovkiy Secretariat. Soviet Information Bureau (Fond 013), the Soviet Consulate in Kaunsas (Fond 050); the Second Western Department (Fond 082). The Molotov Secretariat documents concern early Soviet knowledge of the Holocaust and interaction with the Allies about a joint policy declaration. The Wyszyńskii Secretariat material contains statements about experiments relating to the war prisoners in 1943 in Poznań, and in other places. The Soviet Information Bureau documents contain miscellaneous reports relating to the Holocaust, including drafts for the Soviet Press. The Soviet Consulate in Kaunas materials contain applications for transit visas, lists of visas issued by the Soviet Consulate in Lithuania, and a list of 11 citizens waiting for emigration via Odessa, Ukraine, to Palestine. The Second Western Department documents include reports from the concentration camp survivals. Documents are arranged by topic of testimony excerpts."@eng . "Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives records"@eng . . "Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives records"@eng . .