. . "Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departamenty Edukacji, Pracy, Pomocy Społecznej, Skarbu, Komunikacji, Robót Publicznych i Rekonstrukcji, Likwidacji Konsekwencji Wojny, Narodowej Obrony (Sygn.202/VII-XIII)"@eng . "Contains information about the establishment, administration, financial management, and activities of several Delegacy of Government departments including the departments of Education, Labor and Welfare, Treasury, Communication, Public Works and Reconstruction, Liquidation of the Consequences of War, and National Defense during the German occcupation. Also contains information about economic conditions in Warsaw during the German occupation."@eng . . . . "The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilmed reels. Arranged in seven series: 1. Department of Education; 2. Department of Labor and Public Welfare; 3. Treasury Department; 4. Department of Communication; 5. Department of Public Works and Reconstruction; 6. Department of the Liquidation of the Consequences of War; 7. Department of National Defense."@eng . "Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departamenty Edukacji, Pracy, Pomocy Społecznej, Skarbu, Komunikacji, Robót Publicznych i Rekonstrukcji, Likwidacji Konsekwencji Wojny, Narodowej Obrony (Sygn.202/VII-XIII)"@eng . . . "1,031 digital images, JPEG\n\n2 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm"@eng .