"Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departament Sprawiedliwości, Przemysłu, Handlu i Rolnictwa (Sygn.202/IV-VI)"@eng . "856 digital images, JPEG\n\n1 microfilm reel (digitized), 35 mm"@eng . . "The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilmed reels. Arranged in three series: 1. Department of Justice; 2. Department of Industry and Commerce; 3. Department of Agriculture."@eng . . . "Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departament Sprawiedliwości, Przemysłu, Handlu i Rolnictwa (Sygn.202/IV-VI)"@eng . . . . . "Contains information about laws and legislation; conditions in industry (especially petroleum and electronics); financial and economic situations; and the agricultural situation during the German occupation of Poland."@eng .