"folder\n\n1"@eng . . . "The collection is arranged as a single series."@eng . "Gaston Schmir memoir"@eng . . . "Gaston Schmir memoir"@eng . . . "Consists of one memoir, 207 pages, entitled\"Memory: The Story of an Obsessio\" by Gaston Schmir, written in 1992. The memoir, which includes extensive footnotes, family stories, and family tree information, contains information about Mr. Schmir's experiences as a child in wartime France. He and his sister Louise hid in various situations in Angoulême, Montbron, Breve, Grenoble, and Thônes, France. In 1944, Gaston and Louise escaped into Switzerland and lived in a refugee camp. The siblings, with their father, Samuel Szmir, moved to the United States in 1946."@eng .