"Secret Staff Film Reports, US War Department.\"Pacific -- Activities on Okinaw\" Marines advance on Okinawa, flushing Japanese civilians (women and children) from caves. Japanese planes are downed by planes and ships in heated battle. 06:07:20\"Pacific -- Iwo Japs in Dawn Sorti\" Japanese attack American tent camp on Iwo Jima. US Marines fought back, killing 300 Japanese in two hours. 06:08:26\"Pacific -- Mop-Up in Manila Harbo\" In the Philippines, engineers lay pipe from an LCM onto Caballo Island; oil is pumped through and ignited to rout underground Japanese troops. A similar action takes place at Fort Drum in Manila Bay where engineers from the 38th Division pour oil into ventilators and explode it."@eng . . "March-April 1945" . "Pacific activities on Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Manila harbor"@eng . . . "Pacific activities on Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Manila harbor"@eng . .