"18:09 President Cerdini questions the witness as to how he was able to identify his interrogator as Barbie 18:11 Cerdini asks for specifics as to the type of train used to transport the witness to Auschwitz, and as to whether he knew about the existence of the gas chambers upon his arrival 18:13 Prosecutor Bermann asks the witness how he was able to identify Barbie in their first encounter; the witness thanks the court for the 'gift' of being able to testify against Barbie 18:15 Defense lawyer Vergès questions the witness as to the purpose of his work for the Red Cross, and whether his work for the Red Cross was clandestinely affiliated with the Resistance, which the witness denies; he asks for precision as to the types of prisoners who served as kapos of barracks in the concentration camps 18:20, Bermann, the civil parties prosecutor representing Mr. Nahmias, complains about the Defense's treatment of his client 18:22 President Cerdini suspends the hearing"@eng . . "1987 May 21" . "Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A civil party testifies"@eng . . . "Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A civil party testifies"@eng . .