Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A previous expert witness asks to give additional testimony and is questioned; a witness testifies an entity of type: Record
Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A previous expert witness asks to give additional testimony and is questioned; a witness testifies
Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A previous expert witness asks to give additional testimony and is questioned; a witness testifies
1987 May 21
13:40 President Cerdini opens the hearing; asks for the accused to present himself; Barbie refuses to appear 13:41 Cerdini asks a bailiff to summon Barbie 13:41 Another bailiff reads the list of witnesses set to appear; identifies those who are absent 13:44 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns from summoning Barbie at the jail 14:05 Cerdini resumes the hearing; the clerk reads the bailiff's report; Barbie refuses to appear 14:08 Cerdini reads a decree stating that the trial will continue in Barbie's absence 14:09 German Attorney General Streim, a previous witness, asks to give additional testimony 14:10 Streim explains that there are two concurrent trials currently in process in Munich, both of which involve Barbie and the Lyon Gestapo, in particular officer Barthelemus, and in which Barbie's extradition was discussed; Streim and Vergès trade comments on Germany's failure to extradite Barbie from Bolivia, and on France's eventual successful extradition 14:26 Vergès questions Streim as to the involvement of Flak Battalion 958 in the Izieu raid; Streim explains that the unit was based in St. Cloud, and Vergès is doubtful 14:28 Prosecutor Nordmann asks Streim to discuss the controversy surrounding Barbie's second identity as Klaus Altmann, and challenges associated with his trial given the second identity 14:33 Cerdini presents a new witness, Victor Sullaper, and he is sworn in 14:35 The witness describes his experience at the UGIF on the day of the raid (February 9, 1943); he recounts first-hand the events of the raid; the means by which he was able to escape, though his brother did not and was sent to Auschwitz 14:41 President Cerdini asks the witness to specify the timing of the raid, its duration, and the identities of others who were let go from the raid without an arrest, as he was 14:46 Defense attorney Vergès questions the witness as to the identities of others who were stopped but not arrested, but the witness cannot remember 14:48 Cerdini presents another witness, Michel Thomas, and he is sworn in 14:48 The witness is stunned at Barbie's absence, and remarks on his sadness that he will not face Barbie in court; the witness testifies to his activity in the French resistance in Lyon, as a member of the American armed forces who liberated Dachau, and as a member of the CIC (Counter-Intelligence Corps) in Germany following the end of the war; the CIC employed Barbie following the witness' departure from the organization in 1947 14:55 The witness recounts his escape from the Milles deportation camp in September 1942, his subsequent arrival in Lyon in order to recruit Resistance members, and his presence at the UGIF on the day of the raid in February 1943, where he had gone to recruit young Jews into the Resistance 15:02 End of tape