"17:31 A clerk reads the list of Civil Parties. 18:07 The clerk lists what Barbie has been doing after the war. 18:14 The clerk discusses the Nazi police organization in France and the establishment of the\"Final Solution\" 18:23 The clerk lists the sentences against Barbie made in absentia, by the Permanent Military Court of Lyon on April 29, 1952 and on November 25, 1954, condemning Barbie to death. Due to France's Statute of Limitations, Barbie cannot be held acocuntable for these sentences."@eng . . "1987 May 11" . "Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Barbie's activities after the war and history of the Nazis in France"@eng . . . "Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Barbie's activities after the war and history of the Nazis in France"@eng . .