"Reel 1: Documents. Atrocities, corpses, women weeping, Soviet soldiers. Exhumation of mass grave, Russians weeping. Corpses at camp. 01:18:32 Reel 2: Human remains. Doctors, exhumation, skulls. Human remains at camp, beach. Reburying children in coffins, women weeping. Watchtower, barbed wire, corpses. Gravesite in forest. Fires. 01:31:40 Klooga: corpses, CU of victim with number and Star of David. 01:33:51 Reel 3: Lublin, INTs corpses. Civilians view bodies and camp barracks. MS, survivors. Aerial views of Majdanek, barracks. Skulls and bones, crematorium. Victims' belongings (shoes, passports, etc.) 01:43:40 Pan of survivors behind barbed wire. Aerial views of Auschwitz, maps, women in bunks, barbed wire, emaciated corpses, survivors in striped uniforms. 01:47:00 Twins walking between barbed wire fences at Auschwitz, children show tattooed numbers to camera. Zyklon B cans. Demonstration at gallows. Mass gravesite. Doctors examine baby. MSs, victims' clothing, shoes. 01:51:08 Reel 4: More victims' belongings, hair. Doctors examining survivors, interviewing nurses. Cemetery. Decapitated bodies, guillotine. Corpses in coffins. Torture instruments."@eng . . "Soviet film of atrocities shown at Nuremberg Trials"@eng . . . "Soviet film of atrocities shown at Nuremberg Trials"@eng . .