Communists in prison; Germans rush to join the Nazi party an entity of type: Record
Communists in prison; Germans rush to join the Nazi party
Communists in prison; Germans rush to join the Nazi party
1933 April
Onscreen title:"The head ringleader of the red arsonists is arrested. As one can see, he is doing quite well" A policeman patrols outside the prison at the Rossplatzkaserne in Halle. Two SA men stand before the door. Prisoners walk in columns in the courtyard of the prison. One of the prisoners carries a chair on his back. The prisoners mill around the prison yard. One smokes a pipe. An SA man walks through what is described in the Bundesarchiv record as the sleeping quarters of the prison. Shot of some kind of game on a table (? the interior shot is dark). Prisoners carry large buckets of food out of a doorway guarded by SA men. Some of the prisoners attempt to hide their faces from the camera. CU on a bucket of soup and basket of bread. Onscreen title:"Earlier it was hard to be a National Socialist, now it is hard to be other than a National Socialist" The next title reads:"Thousands apply for membership in the party" EXT shot of the NSDAP headquarters in Halle (CU on sign) with crowds standing in line and massed around the door. INT shots of people applying for NSDAP membership. A clerk collects paperwork. CU of a hand signing a document. Onscreen title:"After the examination of these applications many of these profiteers will be rejected as too frivolous [zu leicht befunden]" CU on a pile of applications and money (membership dues?). Two men, one in a Nazi uniform, review applications. Onscreen title:"The director of the Wehag company of Schaumburg is replaced. (The Wehag company made door knobs and handles?) Large group of SA men gathered on a town square. More men drive up in a truck that has a sign advertising Wolff furniture.