Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- Bailiff introduces witnesses; lawyers demand Barbie's presence in court; recess; Lanfranchi testifies an entity of type: Record
Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- Bailiff introduces witnesses; lawyers demand Barbie's presence in court; recess; Lanfranchi testifies
Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- Bailiff introduces witnesses; lawyers demand Barbie's presence in court; recess; Lanfranchi testifies
1987 May 26
Bailiff introduces witnesses who will testify on Day 12 (May 26, 1987); they stand before the court. The trial is suspended for ten minutes at 13:53:23; tape recording stops and skips to real time 14:03:12 where judges re-enter court. Lawyers plead for Klaus Barbie's presence in the courtroom. Jacques Verges, Barbie's attorney, demands that Barbie remain in prison which is his legal right. The judges recess to make a decision at 14:14:22 [14:24:05 real time]; tape recording stops again and skips to real time 14:48:52. The judges return to the courtroom and report that Barbie will be forced to appear in court and face his victims [14:52 real time]. Fortune Lanfranchi testifies at 14:21 [14:55 real time]. He speaks about his arrest as a member of the Resistance, the Gestapo prison Montluc, interrogation, and transport to Dachau.