"\"Grand Hotel Tschugge\" reservation slip. Handmade picture of the hotel and\"1937\" Robert, Betsy, and Frits ice skate. People in observation bleachers next to the rink, waving. One woman taking photographs or film. People skate. Landscape shot of the mountains. Betsy and Robert pull their sleds. Jeanne walks behind them. Betsy ice skates. Frits ice skates. 01:02:49 Boy (unidentified) with skis and ski poles. 01:03:23 The boy skates with Robert and Betsy and the Kan family. Robert wears new ski goggles. 01:05:30 color Ice skating. Older man and woman outside the hotel, smiling and waving. Robert and Jeanne walk towards the camera. Jeanne and elderly couple in a sleigh, waving. Landscape, mountains, town viewed from the sleigh. 01:06:41 Jeanne and couple pose. Ski lodge, patrons. More landscape. 01:07:21 Frits, in a red sweater, and Jeanne pose, woman with her back to the camera. Robert slides down a hill. Robert, Betsy, and others gathered around a table (outdoor café?), ski lodge and mountains in BG. Robert and Betsy wear blue long sleeved shirts. 01:08:04 Children skate, Frits skates. People stand outside the hotel and around the ice rink. 01:09:02 black and white. Jeanne carries a pair of skis. Jeanne and Betsy carry skis and walk along a snow-covered path. Frits carries skis. 01:09:37 Family skiing. 01:10:53 color Jeanne carries skis. She nods to a woman passing on her right who gestures to her. 01:11:11 black and white Landscape, sleighs. Crowd stands around and sits in lounge chairs. 01:12:07 to 01:12:52 The family eats. Boy seen earlier at 01:02:49 is also visible. People sit on the roof of a ski lodge. 01:13:01\"Alkoholfreie Wirtschaf\" sign. People on the roof. Landscape. Betsy and Robert ice skate. 01:14:42 Frits and another man.\"End\" with hand-drawn skis."@eng . . "Kan family vacationing during winter in Switzerland"@eng . . . "Kan family vacationing during winter in Switzerland"@eng . .