"Opening credits, image of Lighthouse and the words Jadran film, Zagreb. Music. Clips of posters, photos, newspapers. People marching - Nazis. 01:01:50 Mein Kampf, portrait of Hitler, parades. Hitler speaking. Barbed wire and panning shots of camps. 01:03:16 crematorium. 01:03:43\"Leo Rupni\". Hitler greeting\"Ante Paveli\". Camps, German eagle. 01:04:15 People getting into trains to go to camps. 01:05:04 Entrance to Auschwitz\"Arbeit Macht Fre\". Nazis shooting people, bodies on ground. 01:05:31 People being hung, carrying bodies, putting into mass graves, skulls being collected. 01:06:17 Piles of glasses, cups, clothes, hair -\"sama zenska kos\". 01:07:08 Speech, military. 01:07:43 Detailed drawing of Jasenovac camp, voice over the top. Lake. 01:08:20 Gateway with sign -\"Radna sluzba staske obrane, Abirni Logor Br. II\". 01:08:35 Hand filled out form - voice over the top, reading different letters and postcards sent to Jasenovac inmates. 01:10:03 Inmates,\"Maks Luburi\". Bodies. 01:11:01 Children.\"Fra Filipovi\". 01:11:36 Weapons used to kill inmates at Jasenovac. Bodies, decapitation, bodies in Sava river. Close up of faces; Postwar memorial procession along the Sava river. Jasenovac Monument (flower). 01:14:43 Woods next to Jasenovac. 01:15:54 Credits."@eng . . "An overview of the Holocaust in Croatia"@eng . . . "An overview of the Holocaust in Croatia"@eng . .