"The cortege and funeral of three SA men: Walter Apel, Robert Gleuel, and Franz Klein, who were purportedly shot and killed by members of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) in June 1933. People are shown laying flowers at the location of the murder in Berlin-Köpenick. The funeral cortege leaves the hospital and passes crowds of mourners, who line the street and give a Hitler salute to the passing hearses. The heavy-handed narration is accompanied by mournful music. The coffins are taken to their local SA headquarters for some sort of ceremony, attended by Joseph Goebbels. Low aerial shots of the cortege as it winds through the city. SA men, police, and Stahlhelm men march in the procession. Hitler Youth hold back the crowd. Lots of shots of SA and others entering the cemetery. In Goebbels' speech (original sound) he talks of the revolution for which these men died, and says that if men didn't die in the name of the revolution then Bolshevism and\"dirty blood from the eas\" would overrun Germany. The ceremony ends with a twenty-one gun salute."@eng . . "1933 July 22" . "Funeral for SA men at which Goebbels speaks."@eng . . . "Funeral for SA men at which Goebbels speaks."@eng . . .