"Home movies of the Ascher Family, featuring daily life and vacation outings of this German-Jewish family in the 1930s. The Aschers immigrated to Palestine in 1938 and later to the United States in 1959.\"Engelberg Februar 193\" Skiing in Engelberg, Switzerland. Mountains, tram, Hans Ascher and Ilse Ascher entering ski lift, Hans is waving. Aerial shots from lift. Mountain scenery. Men downhill skiing. Spectators, ski jumping competition. CUs, competitors with numbers on their chests. Scenery, slopes. 00:23:42 Ascher family having lunch on the mountain. Aerial shots of town, ice skating, rink. Ski slope. 00:26:19 Still photographs of skiing in Switzerland."@eng . . "Ascher Family home movies: skiing in Switzerland"@eng . . . "Ascher Family home movies: skiing in Switzerland"@eng . .