"Children playing in the rubble in the streets of a destroyed, unidentified city. It may be Danzig, it may be Warsaw, or it may be another Polish city. Bricks from fallen buildings are piled high alongside the street, children pick up sticks and whatever they can find and play with the bricks. Vs of the countryside, a pointed roof house, ducks and geese swimming in a pond, men driving tractors across a field (probably in1946 - see notes field). VS of the fields being plowed. CU on the men driving the tractors, the wheels of the machine, etc. EXT, back in the city, a sign on the corner of a building reads:\"YMC\", with an arrow pointing in the direction of the YMCA. More shots of destroyed buildings, piles of rubble, young boys clearing up more rubble as men, women and children walk through the streets. Two Polish soldiers walk boy carrying paper parcels under their arms. EXT of the\"Polska YMC\", men, women and children enter the building. INT, young boy in a tattered scout uniforms and other tattered clothing put together a puzzle, others play with a model airplane. EXT: snow covers the ground, more destroyed buildings, quick cut to the blueprints for a building. EXT: women sit on folding chairs and wooden crates outside the door to a building, they are beggars. People give them money and they smile for the camera. EXT: a cemetery, several people are in the cemetery laying flowers on graves. A large memorial, Polish soldiers burying their war dead, line up alongside coffins of their fallen comrades, a priest blesses the coffins. The men pass white wooden crosses down the line of soldiers; these crosses will soon mark the graves they are digging. The coffins are put into the ground. EXT: cows in a pasture, a few quick shots of peasant."@eng . . "Destruction and rebuilding in Poland circa 1946; country life in Poland, circa 1939"@eng . . . "Destruction and rebuilding in Poland circa 1946; country life in Poland, circa 1939"@eng . .