Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence an entity of type: Record
Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence
Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence
01:23:52:01: Beginning titles of the Julien Bryan film"The Invisible Bridg". Credits read as follows: A Julien Bryan IFF Presentation, written by Basil Beyea, narrated by Arnold Moss, Edited by Joseph E. Dushock and Edward H. Powick. These credits are followed by more credits for the Far Eastern Expedition crew and the European Expedition crew; END credit runs, then cut to EXT, low angle CU of a cathedral; a shot of man in his prison cell, viewed first through the door's peep hole, and then by opening the cell door entirely, he sits in a chair, arms folded, looking at a wall, then scrubbing the floor.