"Blackout preparations in London: men paint white stripes on trees, lamp posts, and curbs. People at a gas mask depot in Lambeth. A newly married couple exits a church. The bride, groom, and bridesmaids all carry gas masks. A sign on the side of a building informs the public that gas masks are the property of the government and must be properly cared for. A young boy sitting on a curb opens a box containing a gas mask and puts it on. Men pile sandbags around a fire alarm box.\"Wanted\" posters featuring photos of Hitler and Goebbels. Men paint car bumpers white for driving in a blackout. Sandbags are placed around gas pumps at a petrol station."@eng . . "1939 August" . "March of Time -- outtakes -- England 1939: posters with Hitler & Goebbels\"wanted for murde\""@eng . . . "March of Time -- outtakes -- England 1939: posters with Hitler & Goebbels\"wanted for murde\""@eng . .