"Title on screen:\"Schutz der deutschen Arbeit! Nach der Befreiung der Gewerkschaften von den Marxistischen Leiter hoeren 200,000 Arbeiter und Angestellte in Berliner Lustgarten die Rede des Leiters der Aktions-Komitees Dr. Ley. [Protection German labor! After the freeing of the labor unions from Marxist leaders 200,000 workers listen to the speech of the leader of the Action Committee, Dr. Ley, in the Berlin Lustgarten]\" Shots of Ley speaking interspersed with low aerial shots of the huge crowd. After Ley finishes his speech, the crowd sings, accompanied by a band. The German labor unions were dissolved under Ley's orders on May 2, 1933. The SA and the SS arrested labor leaders and confiscated their funds. The labor unions were reorganized into the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) an organ of the Nazi Party, which Ley headed."@eng . . "1933 May 10, 1933 May" . "Ley speaks after crushing labor unions (consolidation of power)"@eng . . . "Ley speaks after crushing labor unions (consolidation of power)"@eng . . .