"Celebration of Hitler's 44th birthday in Berlin, including flags flying and the SA planting a\"Hitler Linde\" tree. The narrator notes that nobody will go hungry on the Chancellor's birthday. A scene shows the collection of money for charity through sales of Edelweiss flowers. Close-up of hands holding\"Hitler-Geburtstagspende\" Shot of people using or exchanging the vouchers (for money?). Location switches to Munich, where a group of SA men, including Ernst Roehm, places a large wreath at the memorial for the fallen heroes of the NSDAP movement. A band plays while the men carry the wreath up steps, lay it down, and salute. Location moves to Rome, where Hermann Goering speaks to the\"German colony\" He stands at a podium beneath a portrait of Hitler and speaks. Various close up and longer views."@eng . . "1933 April 20, 1933 April 26" . "Hitler's birthday; charity; Roehm; Goering in Rome"@eng . . . "Hitler's birthday; charity; Roehm; Goering in Rome"@eng . . .