"Polish narration. Former Auschwitz prisoners walk slowly past the barbed wire fence. There is snow on the ground. Well-known Soviet footage of uniformed prisoners looking solemnly at camera through fence at liberation in January 1945. Aerial pans of camp. Blueprints or architectural drawings of camp. Interior of barracks with women.\"Arbeit macht fre\" gate. Pages of photographs. Woman and child stand stiffly outside in front of building; corpses on the groud around them. Survivors exiting barracks, carrying blankets, bundles, being escorted by Soviet soldiers. Horse-drawn carts carrying survivors going through gate. Children with nurses and soldiers, and nuns. Children show tattoos. Crematoria, human remains, Zyklon B. Witness (?) giving testimony to men seated around a table. Mass graves; woman gives testimony to Soviet soldiers, who take notes. Prisoners demonstrate torture devices. Several prisoners are named -- focus on their tattoos and their prisoner numbers. Inspection of bales of hair, teeth, etc. Soviets holding up children's clothing. Procession of people at a memroial ceremony as a dirge plays. Huge crowds and rows of wooden coffins."@eng . . "1945 January" . "Liberation of Auschwitz"@eng . . . "Liberation of Auschwitz"@eng . .