"Pre-title sequence: Bookburning in Berlin, Joseph Goebbels speaking. View of bodies stacked with wood for burning, and Heinrich Heine quote. Film title: DER GELBE STERN: Ein Film ueber die Judenverfolgung 1933 - 1945. Events of January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany. NSDAP (Nazi Party) organization, new members, SA marching in streets. S.A. Heim [Sturmabteilung headquarters]. Joseph Goebbels speaks at Sportpalast in Berlin, against the lying Jewish press etc. This preceded Hitler's first speech as Chancellor, February 10. Still of burned Reichstag building, and aftermath. Prisoners in\"protectice custod\" at the Rossplatzkaserne in Halle in April 1933 (see duplicate footage in Story 4630). Adolf Hitler speech a few weeks later. Refugees flee. Train station, train scenes. Still of those who went into exile. DER KRIEG. Germans enter Poland. Lwow pogrom amateur footage; stills. Nazis entering towns via truck; Hitler speeches; clips from Nazi propaganda and newsreels, Jews forced to work for Germans in occupied territory, roundups in Jonava, Latvia. Hangings in occupied territory. German raid, checking papers, in various Polish locations. Riga scenes of harassing Jews. (locations and images intermixed) Jews in Balti, Romania, moved in large numbers along road. Krakow ghetto created, Jews moving in, others moving out. 10:42:26 DAS GHETTO. Warsaw Ghetto scenes (includes b/w version of scenes that exist in color) Unusual views. Torah taken from ark. Men in prayer shawls, praying. Building of ghetto wall; amateur footage. Ghetto bridge, people crossing. Checkpoint, ghetto wall. Pass inspected. Interiors of dwellings, from German propaganda coverage. Children, food, starving in streets. Begging. German officer walking along street. Begging ragged woman with child in arms. Children caught smuggling vegetables, shaken down by Germans in street. Jewish police take smuggler children to jail: Sign:\"Arrest Anstalt\" Interiors. Bodies collected from streets. Germans glimpsed in street. People pass bodies, beggars in street. Bodies onto cart, near ghetto wall. Morgue or collection place for corpses. Carts, wheeled to cemetery, put down chute into pit. Aktion, or at least rapid movement of Jews by Jewish police. Boys, women, out of prison and in streets (perhaps a little more than in Library of Congress footage). 10:52:12 DER AUFSTAND [Uprising]. Series of still photographs from Stroop Report - no moving images of uprising or the end. Pan of ruins of Warsaw ghetto. DIE PANIK. Views of city from boat. Shanghai, refugees arriving, on boat, debarking. Various ships and locations (including Palestine?). DIE VILLA. Wannsee Villa. DIE STERNE. Scenes from Dabrowa Gornica. Stuttgart deportation scenes, people with luggage in assembly hall, luggage. Contemporary footage of German locations, cobblestones, railway station, signals. DER WAGGON. More contemporary footage of undercarriage of railcars, empty freight cars, scenes from interior, moving shots from inside with barbed wire foreground. DAS GESCHENK. Scenes from the propaganda film,\"Der Fuehrer schenkt den Juden einer Stadt\" Men working, women and men sewing, shoemakers, people leave barracks, walking. More scenes of alleged good conditions. DER MOERDER. Himmler and officers in camp near Minsk. Libau execution by Einsatzgruppen and collaborators in Latvia, amateur footage. Scene shot through window of a German shoving a woman. Stills women undressing, small groups, execution pit. Himmler and SS. DER TRANSPORT. Westerbork, Netherlands, and Warsaw, Poland, intercut scenes of deportation of Jews by Germans. Massing people at railroads, loading onto freight cars, closing doors, departures. Close views of trains moving off, railway tracks. Still photographs of Auschwitz Birkenau and arrivals, followed by footage, BUT OF WESTERBORK, men getting out of trains. More stills of arrival at Auschwitz, from the Auschwitz Album. DAS LAGER. Postwar scenes and stills of deaths on the electrified wires. Aerial views photographed by American planes. Soviet air views over barracks at time of liberation. Survivors, after liberation; people struggling over food. Still photos of women with heads shaved; forced labor inmates. Various stills of slave labor in camps, overseen by Germans. Punishment, musicians, scenes inside with slogans and signs; shower heads. Zyklon B cans, ovens. DIE OPFER. Scenes following liberation: the dead and the living. The children in Auschwitz. End Credits: DER GELBE STERN: Die Judenverfolgung 1933-1945. Ein Film von Dieter Hildebrandt. Etc."@eng . . "Persecution of Jews; isolating, labeling, deporting, murdering Jews"@eng . . . "Persecution of Jews; isolating, labeling, deporting, murdering Jews"@eng . .