"Reel 1. Part 1: Trade and industrial fair held at Konigsberg, East Prussia, Germany. 01:23:47 Part 2: Pencil factory in Germany. 01:25:30 Part 3: Bicycle race held in Germany. 01:26:25 Part 4: Swimming race and fancy diving in Prague, Czechoslovakia. 01:27:20 Part 5: Man fishing with his bare hands in Italy. 01:27:58 Part 6: Medical doctors in German hospital demonstrate modern equipment to visiting foreign physicians. 01:28:42 Part 7: Train bound for Copenhagen leaves German railroad station. 01:29:39 Part 8: Benito Mussolini acclaimed by Roman crowd."@eng . . "Trade fair; German factory; sports racing; doctors; Mussolini"@eng . . . "Trade fair; German factory; sports racing; doctors; Mussolini"@eng . . .