"Reel 1: Part 1, 10th anniversary of the death of Professor Paul Ludwig Troost; still photos of Troost and shots of the House of German Art and the Koenigliche Platz in Munich. 01:02:06 Part 2, The Ruhr: Captain Ruempler (Oak Leaves) and his comrades visit a mine, and go underground; shots of the miners and the soldiers. 01:02:50 Part 3, Germany: report on the hard and dangerous work of stevedoring; loading and unloading ships; ships with the coat of arms of Bremen. 01:03:40 Part 4, Stettin: Day of maritime transport, January 19, 1944; Admiral Doenitz speaks (no original sound); among the audience Reich Commissar for Maritime Transport Gauleiter Karl Kaufmann, Reich Youth Leader Arthur Axmann, and Gauleiter Wilhelm Bohle. 01:04:26 Part 5, Amsterdam: Dutch NSKK members volunteers for the eastern front; reporting of the volunteers, medical examinations, muster; march to the station, farewells to families, departure. 01:05:23 Part 6, Western Front: General Rommel inspects defenses on the Atlantic wall; in conference with high ranking officers; accompanied by General of the Artillery Alfred Jodl; takes a trip on a picket boat; visits and airfield with First Lieutenant Josef Priller, visits the Pik-As (Ace of Spades) Squadron; Rommel with an armored unit, samples the food from the field kitchen, review of the unit on a forest road. 01:07:33 Part 7, Return of a night fighter pilot from a mission: First Lieutenant (Knight's Cross) Koester gets out of his plane, preparations, Koester in bed, waking up, shower, medical exams; sun treatments, exercises, distribution of mail, other aspects of everyday life; preparations for another night flight; Major Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein (Oak Leaves) reviews his squadron (according to the sound track, he was killed on January 21, 1944); preparations, briefing on weather, pilots and crews in ready rooms, sleeping, playing billiards and checkers; alarm. (continued in Reel 2, Story 3713)"@eng . . "1944 January 26" . "Ruhr; shipbuilding; Doenitz; Dutch war volunteers; Rommel; troops"@eng . . . "Ruhr; shipbuilding; Doenitz; Dutch war volunteers; Rommel; troops"@eng . . .