Suffering of Germans in Czech; Nazi occup. of Czech an entity of type: Record
Suffering of Germans in Czech; Nazi occup. of Czech
Suffering of Germans in Czech; Nazi occup. of Czech
A Nazi propaganda film that depicts the suffering of the Sudetendeutsche in contrast to the laziness of the Jews who agitate the Czechs into war against Germany. Because of the film's relatively minor quality, it was only screened at internal party events. Produced by Reichspropagandaleitung. Bohemia/Moravia. Map. Narrator,"Before the Slavs...Germans...the German Kaisers built.." WS, lovely Prague views. September 10, 1919, maps, Bolsheviks. 3.5 million Germans driven out of Czechoslovakia? Reichsgrenze. Sudetenland, industry, mining, hot springs in Karlsbad, people, lace-making. ("37)"Elendsgebie", mineheads stopped."Überall Jude" Karlsbad/Karlovy Vary. Hebrew clock, street scenes, signs, synagogue. Good shots of women and children, park bench, bathing suits, men and women, sophisticated, reading. Orthodox. Election of the Nazis. TROTZ - Terror! Nazi march, crowds, large square banners. Documents, incl. Völkischer Beobachter. Mobilization to provoke Germans."Wir beleren heim ins Reich"? NSV feeding people, troops assist. Good crowd scenes and NSDAP propaganda. NSV Karlsbad, giving out clothing, shoes. Tanks, Hitler. Good shots of Hitler, Heydrich, Himmler, Wolff, March 16, 1939. Protectorate. Swastikas. Train arrives with Hitler, Himmler, and other elite. Very dramatic scenes, voices. Night. Fireworks in Berlin. Chancellery. Women. Map 1933, 1939 (Gross Deutschland).