"Title:\"Unbesiegsbar ist die Front der nationalsozialistischen Volksgemeinschaf\" Bucolic countryside, farm. Soldiers on horses, debris. CUs, children and men receiving bread and food from truck, eating at tables. Workers shoveling coal, in factory, smoke. Rebuilding, men working in factory. Sign,\"Techn. Nothilfe...Einsatz Grauden\" Carts of coal, construction. Ext. building, children playing in yard. Nursery, pan, children in line, smiling. Sweeping, cleaning, pile of trash, families climbing stairs, walking towards camera. Boat, people waving. American Red Cross. People with baggage. Pan, line of people waiting to enter German Red Cross building in Berlin. Woman opens door, and forces people to move inside quickly and orderly. Women checking papers, Red Cross nurses. Training to become Red Cross nurses. Scenes in church with priest. Men at table, one speaking. Carrying a stretcher to an ambulance. More training, some in a classroom,\"Gasschleus\", medicine cabinet. EXT, women gathered around flag. MS, women in uniform on bicycles. Farming. Sign above door:\"NSV - Wir sind die Jugend, sind das Leben, sind die Zukunft\" Children at tables outside, farming, feeding baby. Bundles. Women sewing, some in NSV uniforms. Market. Women with carriages in street. Women clapping/dancing with children. INT, school, children, women learning nursing skills. Women in village streets, marching in groups. Farming, peeling potatoes, picking berries, making soup, grinding meat, making preserves, child eating huge piece of bread with jam. Making, sewing clothes, children's clothing. Delivering mail, giving out uniforms, bread, factory, guards. Men wounded in hospital. HAS, entertainment for wounded. Moving shot, farmland, pastures, village. HAS, women and men marching, in various uniforms, all for NSDAP."@eng . . "Nazi\"People's Communit\" & welfare work"@eng . . . "Nazi\"People's Communit\" & welfare work"@eng . . .