"Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. HMS, Fritz Sauckel, German Labor Leader, listening to Justice Francis Biddle giving a resume of his career. Justice Biddle says that Sauckel is responsible for the deportation of some 5 million people into labor camps, and he was informed about the dire conditions there. He seems not to have taken any initiative to alleviate the situation for these workers. HS, MS as Biddle reads the tribunal's verdict on Sauckel: guilty on counts three and four in the indictment. HMS of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) declaring that Franz von Papen has been found not guilty because he cannot be proven to have participated in the war plans. MS of von Papen. Audio continues in Russian....the very last word on reel is Speer (the sentencing of Speer seemed to follow). MS of Arthur Seyss-Inquart in prisoners' dock making notes. HS of defendants conferring during adjournment. Von Papen is congratulated by Hermann Goering and others. HMS von Papen speaking to Hermann Goering, Erich Raeder, Karl Doenitz as Rudolf Hess and Joachim von Ribbentrop look on."@eng . . . "1946 October 01" . "Sentencing Sauckel and von Papen at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . . . "Sentencing Sauckel and von Papen at Nuremberg Trial"@eng . .